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Scheduling Jobs From Rules

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Rules can be combined with Jobs to create advanced automated processes within Hantera based on various events. For example, you might want to send an email to the customer when the Order is confirmed. With a Rule that triggers on an Order state change, this becomes trivial.

In the following example, we assume that we already have a Reactor that uses Mailtrap to send e-mails called mailtrap with method sendEmailFromTemplate. You can find this exact example in the Cookbook

The Rule effect used to schedule jobs is scheduleJob. Not all Rule Hooks support the scheduleJob effect. Refer to the Rule Runtime Hooks Reference for more details.

param input: OnOrderCommands
param templateUuid: text
param reactorId = 'mailtrap' // Default value 'mailtrap' but allow override
let sendOrderConfirmation = {
effect = 'scheduleJob'
reactorId = reactorId
method = 'sendEmailTemplate'
argument = {
to = {
email =
name =
templateUuid = templateUuid
templateVariables = {
customer = {
name =
address = {
firstName =
street = input.order.invoiceAddress.addressLine1
city =
state = input.order.invoiceAddress.state
zip = input.order.invoiceAddress.postalCode
country = input.order.invoiceAddress.countryCode
order = {
number = input.order.orderNumber
items =
select d => d.orderLines
select l => {
name = l.description
quantity = l.quantity
price = l.unitPrice
isRush = false
total = input.order.orderTotal
from input match
before: {
orderState: 'pending'
order: {
orderState: 'confirmed'
} |> sendOrderConfirmation
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