Hantera is made up of several different subsystems, each providing its own API and architecture to solve a certain class of problems. We refer to each system as a Resource Class. Each Resource Class contains one of many resources, each of which authorization can be tailored for each user.
The Resource Classes and their API endpoints are:
/resources/actors Actors provide a way to model business entities in a powerful and scalable way.
/resources/graph The graph provides a graph query interface for querying data. The graph is read-only and updated by other resources, such as actors.
/resources/registry The registry is a key/value dynamic model that is used for global configuration.
/resources/components Components are Filtrera scripts that can be used by other resources to provide custom functionality.
/resources/rules Rules provide a framework for implementing custom business rules.
/resources/apps Apps are packages that can extend Hantera by providing custom components and files.
/resources/iam Identity and Access Management system provides management of users and clients and their access.
/resources/me The "Me" resource provides access to the current authenticated user's profile and security features.