delivery Graph Node
Back to IndexRoot Set Name: deliveries
createdAt | DateTimeOffsetValue |
deliveryAddress | AddressObject |
deliveryId | UuidValue |
deliveryNumber | StringValue |
deliveryState | EnumValue`1 |
dynamic | DynamicFieldsValue |
inventoryDate | DateTimeOffsetValue |
inventoryKey | StringValue |
lastModified | DateTimeOffsetValue The last time this node was updated. Note that this timestamp does not guarantee any actual changes to the node, but it’s guaranteed to update if there are actual changes. |
releasedToInvoice | BooleanValue |
shippingDescription | StringValue |
shippingPrice | DecimalValue |
shippingProductNumber | StringValue |
shippingTaxFactor | DecimalValue |
shippingTaxTotal | DecimalValue |
shippingTotal | DecimalValue |
tags | ArrayValue |
Name | Type | Cardinality |
calculatedShippingDiscounts | calculatedDiscount | Many |
invoiceLines | invoiceLine | Many |
order | order | Single |
orderLines | orderLine | Many |
shippingDiscounts | discount | Many |